54 research outputs found

    PRVI NALAZ O POJAVI PARAZITA Neoechinorhynchus rutili KOD PORODICE Cobitis faridpaki (Cobitidae) U JUŽNOM DIJELU KASPIJSKOG JEZERA

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    Members of the Cobitidae family are not economically important, thus few studies have been made on their parasitology and there is not a single report on their parasites in Iran. In the present study, a total of 225 individuals of Cobitis faridpaki were collected from the Babolrud River around the southeast of the Caspian Sea basin (Mazandaran province, north of Iran) on 12 separate occasions between May 2009 and April 2010. After recording biometric characteristics, common necropsy and parasitology methods were used. In this study, a total of 193 individuals of an acanthocephalan parasite, Neoechinorhynchus rutili were found in C. faridpaki. The prevalence, mean intensity of infection ± standard deviation (SD), range and mean abundance ± SD of the parasite are as follows, respectively: 63.11, 1.36±0.61, 1-4 and 0.86±0.82. The prevalence, mean intensity of infection and abundance of N. rutili were significantly different in various age classes, but it was not the case for different seasons and the sexes. The occurrence of N. rutili is reported for the first time from C. faridpaki in Iran.Vrste iz porodice Cobitidae nisu gospodarski važne, o čemu svjedoči tek nekolicina studija o njihovoj parazitologiji i nedostatak bilo kakvog izvješća o njihovim parazitima u Iranu. U ovom je istraživanju prikupljeno ukupno 225 jedinki Cobitis faridpaki iz rijeke Babolrud u jugoistočnom dijelu Kaspijskog jezera (pokrajina Mazandaran u sjevernom Iranu) tijekom 12 navrata od svibnja 2009. do travnja 2010. godine. Nakon bilježenja biometrijskih karakteristika, primijenjene su uobičajene metode autopsije i parazitologije. U ovom je istraživanju pronađeno ukupno 193 primjeraka parazita akantocefala (Neoechinorhynchus rutili) kod vrste C. faridpaki. Učestalost, srednji intenzitet zaraze ± standardno odstupanje (SD), raspon i srednja brojnost ± SD su iznosili 63,11, 1,36±0,61, 1-4, odnosno 0,86±0,82. Učestalost, srednji intenzitet zaraze i brojnost N. rutili bili su znatno drugačiji u različitim dobnim skupinama, ali ne i za različita doba godine i spolove. Pojava N. rutili prvi put je zabilježena kod vrste C. faridpaki u Iranu

    The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the base oxide of chromia forming steels: The story prior to breakaway oxidation

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    The influence of pO2 on the base oxide formed on 304 L stainless steel has been investigated at 600 \ub0C. The alloy was exposed in 5%O2-95%N2 and 10%H2-20%H2O-Ar atmospheres and the initial stages of oxidation were analysed by TEM and EDX. In both environments, the thin scale consists of a Cr-rich oxide overlaid by a FeCrMn oxide. However, the subscale formed in H2-H2O is richer in Cr compared to the 5%O2-95%N2 case (∼90 cation% and ∼70 cation% respectively). The findings are in good agreement with thermodynamic calculations and can explain breakaway oxidation of marginal chromia forming steels in H2-H2O

    MEMS-enabled silicon photonic integrated devices and circuits

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    Photonic integrated circuits have seen a dramatic increase in complexity over the past decades. This development has been spurred by recent applications in datacenter communications and enabled by the availability of standardized mature technology platforms. Mechanical movement of wave-guiding structures at the micro- and nanoscale provides unique opportunities to further enhance functionality and to reduce power consumption in photonic integrated circuits. We here demonstrate integration of MEMS-enabled components in a simplified silicon photonics process based on IMEC's Standard iSiPP50G Silicon Photonics Platform and a custom release process

    Compact broadband suspended silicon photonic directional coupler

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    Directional couplers are extensively used in photonic integrated circuits as basic components for efficient on-chip photonic signal routing. Conventionally, directional couplers are fully encapsulated in the technology's waveguide cladding material. In this Letter, we demonstrate a compact broadband directional coupler, fully suspended in air and exhibiting efficient power coupling in the cross state. The coupler is designed and built based on IMEC's iSiPP50G standard platform, and hydrofluoric (HF) vapor-etching-based post-processing allows to release the freestanding component. A low insertion loss of 0.5 dB at lambda = 1560 nm and a 1 dB bandwidth of 35 nm at lambda = 1550 nm have been confirmed experimentally. With a small footprint of 20 mu m x 30 mu m and high mechanical stability, this directional coupler can serve as a basic building block for large-scale silicon photonic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) circuits. (C) 2020 Optical Society of Americ

    Body shape variation of Garra rufa (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) populations in the Tigris basin in Iran using geometric morphometric analysis

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    Geometric morphometric method was used to examine the body shape variations among the six populations of Garra rufa, in Iranian part of Tigris basin. A total of 15 landmark-points was used for 170 specimens to hypothesize population differentiation of G. rufa in the six rivers and reservoir. In discriminant function analysis, 85.9% of original grouped cases correctly classified. Principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical variates analysis (CVA) confirmed the significant difference between the populations. The results revealed that the studied populations are divided into three clades based on differences in body depth, caudal peduncle length, backward moving of anal fin. Caudal peduncle showed shortening trend in five populations. Narrower body shape was dominated among specimens of four regions. Studies on body shape provide supporting data on fisheries, stock management, and conservative programs


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    AlburnusatropatenaeBerg, 1925 is reported for the first time from the River Ghareh-Chay in the Namak basin, central Iran. Previously, this species has onlybeen reported from the LakeOrumiyeh basin, in northwest Iran. In this report twenty-nine specimens were caught on 8 August 2012. Morphometric and meristic characteristics of the specimens were similar to those reported elsewhere for the species.Vrsta Alburnusatropatenae (Berg, 1925) je prvi put zabilježena u rijeci Ghareh-Chay u slivu jezeraNamak u centralnom Iranu. Ranije je ova vrsta zabilježena jedino u slivu jezera Orumiyeh na sjeverozapadnom dijelu Irana. Dana 8. kolovoza 2012. ulovljeno je dvadeset devet jedinki. Morfometrijska i meristička svojstva bila su slična onima već zabilježenima za tu vrstu

    MEMS for Photonic Integrated Circuits

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    The field of microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is reviewed. This field leverages mechanics at the nanometer to micrometer scale to improve existing components and introduce novel functionalities in PICs. This review covers the MEMS actuation principles and the mechanical tuning mechanisms for integrated photonics. The state of the art of MEMS tunable components in PICs is quantitatively reviewed and critically assessed with respect to suitability for large-scale integration in existing PIC technology platforms. MEMS provide a powerful approach to overcome current limitations in PIC technologies and to enable a new design dimension with a wide range of applications

    Low-voltage silicon photonic MEMS switch with vertical actuation

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    We present a vertically movable silicon photonic MEMS switch realized in IMEC's standard silicon photonics platform followed by a dedicated postprocessing for MEMS release. The device has six optical ports, which enable four switching configurations with a safe electrical isolation of the switch's actuator. A low actuation voltage of 3.75 V is required to efficiently switch the optical signal from the drop port to the through port of the device. The device exhibits port extinctions of 16 dB and 26 dB at its OFF and ON states, respectively. With an insertion loss of 35 nm, this component paves the way for low-power scalable circuits in MEMS-enabled silicon photonics

    Silicon photonic MEMS add-drop filter

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    We demonstrate a compact add-drop filter based on a MEMS ring resonator implemented in IMEC's iSiPP50G silicon photonics platform. The device exhibits a port extinction of 20 dB and a port isolation of > 50 dB, upon actuation range of 0 V to 27 V